It then draws water through the burrow by scale worm and often a fish lurking just inside the back entrance.
Other species living within hydrothermal communities include limpets, worms ( scale worms and sulphide worms ), fish, and sea spiders.
The video camera on board the " Kaiko " probe spotted a sea cucumber, a scale worm and a shrimp at the bottom.
On the one hand, its rows of scales looked superficially similar to certain scale worms ( annelids ); conversely, its mouthparts and general morphology suggested a relationship to the shell-less molluscs.
Carter, a large-scale worm farmer and antiques dealer, succeeded his cousin Jimmy in the state Senate and held on to the seat for 14 years until he stepped down in 1981, undefeated.
One researcher found that more than a quarter of gumboots hosted an " Arctonoe vittata ", a pale yellow scale worm which can grow up to length . " Opisthopus transversus ", a small crab, is also sometimes found within the gills.
The National Geographic featured full color plates ( 1936 and 1938 ) of her paintings for Dr . Roy W . Minor ( 1875-1955 ) of the New York Academy of Sciences, such as the Red-Plumed Worms and Brown Scale Worms living in the Sandy Mud Flats South of Cape Cod.
How to say scale worm in Hindi and what is the meaning of scale worm in Hindi? scale worm Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by